Masseter/Jaw Slimming Treatment
Treatment overview
Procedure time
20 minutes
1 + Consultation
Treatment recovering
Duration of results
3 - 6 Months
Back to work
Same Day
Risk and complication
Onset of results
14 - 28 Days
Aesthetics Doctor/Nurse
Treatment details
Suffer with Bruxism (Teeth grinding) or migraines?
Bruxism is a medical term for subconscious teeth grinding. This can occur while awake or asleep. This can be worsened by stress. Grinding on the teeth can wear down teeth over time so is important to treat it. This can also lead to migraines in others.
The treatment uses anti-wrinkle injections to the Masseter (jaw) muscle. This causes the masseter muscle to relax, relieving the symptoms of Bruxism.
This has a range of benefits both cosmetic and medical. These include Facial balancing and treating medical conditions such as Bruxism and Migraines.
We can also use this treatment to slim down the jawline improving facial balance in those with a wider jawline. Regular injections can cause the masseter muscle to relax, this decreases the size of the masseter muscle over time.
We recommend repeating treatments every 3-4 months for optimal results and maintenance.
Treatment areas
- Masseter muscle (Jaw muscle)
- Slims the jawline
- Improves facial balance
- Treats Bruxism
- Treats migraines
- Long lasting results
- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
- Avoid smoking
- Do not massage the face
- Avoid excessive sun exposure and tanning beds